1. Project Idea
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Last updated
The goal of the hackathon is to show technical consistency of blockchain-based peer-to-peer (P2P) transactions in a microgrid use case. Therefore, this use case has to be technically implemented and documented. Another part of this documentation is the concept of enhancing the traditional energy sector using P2P and automating dynamic contracts between the stakeholder involved in the energy system.
Detailed business and system use cases
Operational blockchain based on Ethereum with five different nodes
Smart contracts activated by different actors. The data will be provided by a Matlab model but the kWh data will be only sent to the involved actors in the transaction. Therefore the involved actors only have the information they need to know.
Besides the used notebooks the technical equipment consisted of:
Five Raspberry Pi 3
Network Infrastructure
Danny Moreira
Business Case/Cross section functions
Darius Klink
Business Case
Philipp Nuffer
Business Case
Alisa Bunte
Carmen Fuhrmann
Marcel Boer
Marcus Friedrich
Isabel Schorm
Mario Krämer
Project leader/Development
Dominik Seiz
Project leader
In the following video you can find a short explanation of our concept:
A short presentation on our project can be found on: