3. Procedure
The following chapters describe our procedure before and during the Hackathon.
1. Before Hackathon
Set up Dropbox for exchanging documents
Set up Trello as tool for the project organisation
Set up Whatsapp group
Define responsibilities within the team (Excel sheet & Trello)
Define ways of documentation (Gitbook and Simple Show)
Set up Gitbook-Project
2. Hackathon Day 1
Check evaluation criteria (Excel from Relax)
Define structure of documentation in Gitbook
Draw up Raspberry Pi (as nodes)
Draw up further hardware (router, laptop)
Prepare Matlab
Create installation instructions
Define Use Case
Documentation in Gitbook
3. Hackathon Day 2
Create Simple Show
Documentation in Gitbook
Create Powerpoint slides
Prepare demo
Define solution requirements
Define Minimum Viable Product
Compute Smart Contract
Ethereum Blockchain
Present results
4. Project Organization
The communication of the project participants took place first of all via Whatsapp (besides the meetings during the Hackathon).
The platform Dropbox was used for exchanging documents and files. The cloud-based file storage was divided into a file hierarchy to improve the usability.
In order to manage the project planning, the project management tool Trello was used to distribute individual project tasks to the responsible persons. Thus, deadlines could be set and adhered to.
During the two days, the group has assembled in short meetings to discuss the current status of each group member as well as the further procedure. Due to that, misunderstandings were avoided and everyone had the same knowledge base.
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