11. Conclusion and Outlook
1. Conclusion
Within the scope of this hackathon, a micro energy grid with a decentralized market model and a prototypical blockchain with smart contract applications was presented. The broad spectrum of the intended technical concept made it necessary to divide the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) into three smaller Proof of Concepts (PoC) within the hackathon.
The network test within the PoC 1 was completed successfully. The nodes as well as the accounts could communicate with each other, as well as they could have been made visible on the command line of the boot node.
In Poc 2 the smart contracts were deployed and could have been visualized. The created functions of the smart contracts that were written in Solidity could be executed. The working blockchain was visualized by setting up a monitoring tool to show statistics of the blockchain accessing a webapplication dashboard.
In PoC 3 the generated energy data by Matlab were automatically send to two different smart contracts as a minimalistic proof of storing energy data in micro energy contracts between several stakeholders of the energy market.
Full functionality and partial visualization of the results of the three PoCs were guaranteed during the course of the hackathon. This result complies with the predefined aim of the hackathon. As a consequence, the hackathon is considered successful by the team.
2. Outlook
As an outlook and further development, the three PoCs can be combined into one. Further connections and data inputs are conceivable. For example, a billing solution and real-time data acquisition which can also be supported by Blockchain, Smart Contracts and Raspberry Pis.
Moreover, every PoC was realized as a minimalistic implementation of the overall concept and therfore requires effort to complete the implementation in its entirety.
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